Currently OTC Image Factory team plans an infrastructure migration to latest Red Hat Update Infrastucture (RHUI) v3 in German region eu-de! Therefore all existing ECS servers running a OTC public image of Red Hat 6 and 7 without BYOL are affected.
Last month we have informed about an important kernel panic case with kernel version greater than 3.10.0-1160.10.1.el7 while using LVM in terms of pvmove command:
All Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.9 (RHEL 7.9) images which running a kernel version greater than 3.10.0-1160.10.1.el7 are affected by a kernel panic during execution of a pvmove command!
Please find the latest official information and workaround link down b...
needs special attention to the network configuration.
Background, what happens with the network?
Since Ubuntu 17.04 the new default network configuration method for network devices
is 'netplan'. (More information:
The default nework configuration in Ubuntu 16.04 inst...