November 2016
Updated images provided on 2016-11-17. The major changes to the previous versions are:
- Images include the latest updates from cw46
- Add OpenStack profile /etc/skel/.ostackrc
- CentOS, OEL: add python tools (nova, glance, neutron, ...)
Updated images provided on 2016-11-17. The major changes to the previous versions are:
Updated images provided on 2016-10-26. The major changes to the previous versions are:
Updated images (_latest) provided on 2016-10-04. The major changes to the previous versions are:
Updated images provided on 2016-07-25. The major changes to the previous versions are:
preserve_hostname: false
on all images (as the hostname is now coming via metadata and no longer fromUpdated images provided at 2016-05-30. The major changes to the previous versions are: